Who: Anyone who loves history or loves to get outdoors!
What: This edition of the CHA Spotlight is the Moccasin Bend National Archeological District, which is part of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park. Not only can you enjoy walking trails along the Tennessee River and 80 acres of land, but you can also explore many parts of Chattanooga's history including the Civil War, historical locations of African-American Underground Railroad sites and the history of the Trail of Tears. Moccasin Bend is waiting for you!
When: Year-round
Where: Located ten minutes away from downtown Chattanooga near the Tennessee River.
Why: This is a great location for the entire family to hike, picnic and explore history.
For more information: nps.gov/chch
To recommend individuals or ideas for the CHA spotlight, click here.
Culture, Heritage and Arts Spotlight
The CHA Spotlight is an up-close and personal look at Chattanooga’s rich Culture, Heritage and Arts scene and the people that make it all possible. Check back often for the latest about Chattanooga’s festivals and events, local creators, public art, performances, musicians, rich history and more. We look forward to you visiting soon and enjoying Chattanooga’s Culture Heritage and Arts experiences that you will not find anywhere else.
See them all at visitchattanooga.com/spotlight.