Submit Event
Thank you for taking the time to submit an event to our calendar. Chattanooga Tourism Co. Calendar listed events are viewed a combined 2.8 million + times per year, so it is a great way to get attendance at your event. You will get the best exposure if you include a properly-sized image and event description.
IMAGES: Images must be a minimum of 683 pixels (width) x 580 pixels (height). Anything smaller than this, will not be suitable for your listing detail gallery. Larger images are allowed but they must not be larger than 1920 pixels x 1630 pixels.
DATE: On the last section (GENERAL), please change the start date from the default of today's date to your actual event start date.
-DISCLAIMER PLEASE READ-Posting of events is at the sole discretion of the Chattanooga Tourism Co. and may be removed at any time and for any reason. It may take 5-7 business days for events to be posted, so please submit events as early as possible.