Digital and Print Promotional Add-Ons

These promotional packages are designed as ala carte options to be added to your partnership package. Learn more about partnership levels here.

Breakdown of Add-Ons

All add-ons are subject to change without notice at the discretion of the Chattanooga Tourism Co. and have limited availability.

Add-Ons Ad Products Goal Price

I Want It All

(Header, Run of Site, Spotlight, Page Sponsor, Featured Listing)

Header, ROS, Spotlight, Page
Sponsor, and Featured Listing

Maximize Everything


Target, Target, Target

(Page-Specific Premium Page Sponsor and Featured Listing)


Page-Specific Premium Page Sponsor and Featured Listing Reach Targeted Audience


Impressions Matter

(Run of Site and Spotlight Combo)

Run of Site + Spotlight Combo

Maximize Impressions to 3M Visitors


Featured Listing


Mobile Banner

Banner Locked to Bottom of Mobile Website



Sponsored Content (Up to 1,500 Word Article on, option to add your video, $500 Social Promo, Email)

Places Approved Content on and Social Media

Exposure Through Sponsored Content


Magazine Sponsorship

See the Magazine Sponsorship page for details  


Wondering what all of these promotional products look like?

Scroll to the bottom of this page for examples.

Examples of Digital Sponsors on

Header Image Sponsor

  • Photo: 1598w X 639h pixels
  • Headline Copy (45 characters) + Body Copy (100 characters)
  • Runs on specific page on
  • Links to your site or CTC Partner Listing

Premium Page Sponsor

  • Photo: 700w X 700h pixels
  • Headline Copy (24 characters) + Sub-Headline Copy (18 characters) + Body Copy (300 characters)
  • Full-width native marketing
  • Runs on a specific page relevant to your business on
  • Links to your site or CTC Partner Listing

Featured Listing

  • Features your CTC Partner Listing
  • Guaranteed Top Result Placement
  • Runs on Specific Page on
Header Image Sponsor ExampleExample of header image on website with large image of the aquarium and text
Premium Page Sponsor Exampleexample of a premium page sponsor ad with image on the left and text on the right with learn more link
Featured Listing Example

Example of a featured listing with image, text, link

Run of Site

  • Photo: 1356w X 1356h pixels
  • Headline Copy (96 characters) + Body Copy (180 characters)
  • Runs across all pages on
  • "Learn More" button links to your site or CTC Partner Listing


  • Photo: 529w X 529h pixels
  • Headline Copy (62 characters) + Body Copy (130 characters)
  • Runs across all pages on
  • "Learn More" button links to your site or CTC Partner Listing

Mobile Banner

  • Photo: 110w X 110h pixels
  • Headline Copy (33 characters) + Call-to-Action (60 characters)
  • Runs across all mobile pages on
  • "Call-to-Action" button links to your site or CTC Partner Listing
Run of Site ExampleExample of run of site ads with images and text
Spotlight ExampleExample of spotlight ads with images and text
Mobile Banner Example

DTN mobile footer example


Partnership Kit

This PDF breaks down Chattanooga Tourism Co.'s partnership opportunities.

Learn More

Magazine Promotions

Our annual travel inspiration magazine is available both digitally and as a print magazine, with a focus on telling the authentic stories of our tourism partners.

Learn More


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